John Sutton

Marine Paintings


John Sutton has produced many canvases depicting racing yachts and other maritime scenes from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He carefully researches each using his comprehensive library of original reference materials.


"Sea Action" Fight between Townsend and Tom & Bonar 1812 1812

Oil 24 by 36 inches

"Cutty Sark off Dover" 1890

Oil 20 by 30 inches

"Morning Departure"

HMS Prince leaves London river 1672

Oil 24 by 36 inches

J Class Yachts off the Needles, Cowes 1935

Oil 24 by 36 inches

America's Cup 1871

"Columbia leading Livonia"

Oil  28 by 42 inches

© John Sutton 2017, All Rights Reserved

Cutty Sark going up the English Channel c.1875

Oil on canvas, 24x36 inches